Nose Job, Criminal, Bang, Bang, Bang

We are still in Stowe, VT where everything has been so nice, oh well…except for that fight where Robyn threatened to rage on Jac’s re-done ass and punch her in the re-done face.  Dolores approaches Melissa with care, please ask Robyn, your bitch-ass, hanger-on, fake friend to leave.  Saved by the Siggy, who weighs in, it’s either Robyn or Jacs and Tre has the final say.

Jacs has a case of the sads and goes into the ugly cry because her love of Tre is overpowering and she feels rejected.  Siggy tries to talk her off the ledge, but period emotions are flowing and there isn’t a night time maxi-pad absorbent enough to contain them.  Someone get Jacs some mood stabilizers and a Midol, STAT!

Melissa obtains the verdict, Tre doesn’t have to think twice.  Jacs needs to beat feet, however Robyn and her partner have been playing with a home perm kit and they decide they will get the hell outta dodge.

Later, everyone arrives at the Matterhorn for another ill-fated dinner of doom.  All that fightin’ has worked up an appetite.  Tre points out that there are two empty seats and confronts Jacs about why that would be.  Tre takes Robyn’s side because Jacs took the whole thing to next level crazy by sitting on Robyn.  She labels Jacs with words such as “manipulative” and “calculated”.  Jacs is visibly hurt and gets up to leave.  Chris steps in to diffuse, “She loves you!  Learn to trust.  Heart in right place!”  Tre is more concerned with the fact that she has tap water in her glass, someone get her some bottled water, STAT!  Jacs points out that Tre cannot be around any kerfuffle due to her parole and Jacs did all of this for Tre, “You table flippin’ bitch!”


We flash back to the history of Tre – chasing a prostitution whoo-ahh out of a country club, flipping tables, throwing OHAC as if he were a chew toy, but yet Jacs stood by her side.  Jacs brings up stripper-gate, and tries to drag Melissa into the melee.  Melissa thinks Jacs is a jelly bean and can’t handle Melissa and Tre having been BFFL for a hot minute.  Melissa refuses to engage and Jacs deems her as another soldier.  The acrylic nail of death makes an appearance, “you fake, phony, bitch!  Four nose jobs!”


Through all of this, I am shocked that Joe hasn’t jumped in.  The sedatives must have kicked in.  In her next bizarre move, Jacs dials Kim D. to put her on the speakerphone of truth!  Tre comments – “why you alwasy gotta call people on da’ phone?”  Siggy is still trying to logically narrate the fallout, but Dolores notes this is simply part of visiting the RHNJ Zoo.  Speaking of the Zoo, the animals are hongray so Dolores orders three helpings of chicken wings.  Tre feels threat-ennned.  Jacs yells “CRIMINAL” and walks out.  For Tre, it’s nothing that tearing at a chicken wing like a savage beast won’t solve.


Siggy and Dolores check in with Jacs, but she is fine with how things ended because she now sees that Tre hasn’t changed.  Siggy retreats to her villa and decides to take a stand, “eff her and eff her, I’m going home, I’m out!”  Siggy recounts the fight, acting like animals, Kathy/Rosie, festering, Posche, mosh, bosch, and fosch, nose job, criminal, bang, bang, bang.  Dolores feels bad, poor Siggy didn’t know what she walked into when she sold her relationship expert soul to Bravo.

Back at the Goo-boo-chay household, the girls are having a rather peaceful dinner with their criminal father.  They are going to miss Juicy Joe, he acts as if he’s going away to fat camp.  Milania can’t get her brain around this “your’e belly is all stretched out now and it can’t go back in.”  Juicy Joe asks his girls in earnest, “you really think I’m fat?”  Milania responds with the kiss of death, “you’re fatter than pregnant people.”  Juicy Joe changes the subject, they better take out the garbage, feed the fambly pet, help their mother, oh and buy him an effing MIRROR!  They do a fambly fist bump and all is well.

The next day, Tre gets a call from her Mucinex slug and recounts the fight.  “She called me the C word, but not C U Next Tuesday.”  As if that would have been better?  Tre and Melissa arrive at Siggy and Dolores’ room and Siggy breaks down and announces she is leaving.  She starts demonstrating her frustration by throwing decorative apples around the villa, Dolores slams her hands down on the Formica countertop, “I’ve had enough!”


Dolores.  Gives.  The.  Best.  Commentary.  Ever.  “Melissa comes in like she’s going to Studio 54 with a full face on and Tre is dressed like Milania.  They are not the epitome of empathy.”  No, these two beyotches DGAF – they’ve got a face full o’ contouring and they are ready to show it off to the world.

Tre and Melissa boogie out of Siggy’s villa, happy to spend “bonding time” alone.  They take a ride on a gondola up a mountain and Tre gets all teary eyed over Juicy Joe’s impending trip to “camp”.  Tre and Melissa are so in love right now.  They take a few selfies and cawwwl it a day.


Jacs and Chris are back home, safely secluded in their McMansion.  What better way to decompress than with fatty cured meats and cheeses, oh and a debriefing with Kathy.  Not much to see here, but Jacs has an epiphany that should have been evident long ago, Tre never gave three wet farts about her.

Next week, Siggy gets a warning, Melissa confronts Derek about filming Tre accepting cash only for bootleg copies of her book, and Jacs and Dolores get an earful from Kim D.

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